And we're back with another new Rankless called "Who me?" Aptly named if I do say so myself. Josh finds a suspicious folder with something "special" in it that we've yet to see. As Josh gazes in awe VR suddenly comments scaring the be-jesus out of him. VR follows up with "Did you find anything interesting?" To which Josh replies, "Who me?" Haha, and thus is the genius of my title headings.
And that's it for this weeks update. I have been doing some extra pages of Rankless that will fit in a bit before my current pages. Something that is really going to add a lot of character development that I felt was missing. You can expect those pages to be uploaded sometime soon-ish. I hope you had a great weekend. Feel free to comment below in the comments section. And with that, I'm out! Later gators.
I have a brand new website that I hand crafted! Yes indeed, I design websites AND draw comics. If you like it and would like one designed for your comic, contact me by smashing here. I'll give you a good quote. :)
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Author: Ryan Chandler of Flapjack Studios (c) 2022.
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